About me

Hey, this is Xingchen.

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冰冻三尺 非一日之寒
积土成山 非斯须之作

Hey,我是星辰(Orion),一只学生狗,正在麦吉尔的Master of Management in Analytics学习,本科在麦吉尔学习Finance,并对data scientist感兴趣。


这是我的利用 GitHub PagesJekyll 搭建的 个人博客。我在GitHub主页 👉GitHub·Orion.


Yet another Tech enthusiast.
Yet another Life-long Student.

Hi, I am Xingchen (Orion) Luo, you can call me Orion. A student at McGill University, currently studying Master of Management Analytics. Graduated from Bcom in Finance @ McGill, is interested in exploring the data scientist and technology field.

This is my personal blog, through making Github Pages and Jekyll. My GitHub 👉 Github·Orion.

I am a sports enthusiast and enjoy playing soccer, keeping fit through running, snowboarding, gym, swimming, and hiking, and also playing badminton.

I am currently seeking internship opportunities in my field of study to gain hands-on experience and further develop my skills.
